Friends of the Library

    Who are our Friends?

    The Friends of the Lincoln Public Library is a non-profit organization of local individuals who share a common belief that a good library is essential to the intellectual and cultural growth of our community. We believe that a strong public library is an extremely valuable community asset.

    Annual Membership

    Membership is open to all individuals, families, and organizations. The membership year runs from 
    January 1 to December 31.


    Membership contribution

    • Individual............$10.00
    • Family.................$15.00
    • Sponsor..............$25.00 (As a sponsor, a new book will be plated with your name)
    • Century Club......$100.00 (As a Century Club member, your name will be mentioned in the newsletter and a new book will be plated in your name.)

    What do our "Friends" really do?

    Friends work to promote the continued development and improvement of our library here at Lincoln by:

    • Providing financial support to the library to enable it to purchase needed materials or additional books not available through normal budget allocations
    • Encouraging gifts and bequests to the library
    • Representing the library to the community
    • Sponsoring special programs of interest to the community
    • Subsidizing passes to cultural attractions.  


    To become a Friend please fill out the application form attached to the sidebar of this page.